JCR Impact Factor and ESI Total Citations Rank


Rank information is included for both the JCR Impact Factor and ESI Total Citations. Category ranking is presented by year in descending order for each category in which the journal is ranked in both the JCR and ESI. JCR Impact Factor table also includes the Quartile and JIF Percentile for each year.

Image of JCR Impact Factor Rank

ESI Total Citations provides rank and quartile, in addition to a graph of Total Citations by JCR years. Click View All Years to expand the number of columns displayed.

Quartiles in JCR on the InCites Platform

Quartiles are defined as the following:

Q1 0.0 < Z ≤ 0.25
Q2 0.25 < Z ≤ 0.5
Q3 0.5 < Z ≤ 0.75
Q4 0.75 < Z

Where quartile data differs between JCR on the Web of Science platform and JCR on the InCites platform, use the latter as the source of record for official quartiles.