Article Influence Score

The Article Influence Score determines the average influence of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication.  It is calculated  by multiplying the Eigenfactor Score by 0.01 and dividing by the number of articles in the journal, normalized as a fraction of all articles in all publications.  This measure is roughly analogous to the 5-Year Journal Impact Factor in that it is a ratio of a journal’s citation influence to the size of the journal’s article contribution over a period of five years. 

The equation is as follows: Image of Article Influence equation where X = 5-year Journal Article Count divided by the 5-year Article Count from All Journals.

The mean Article Influence Score for each article is 1.00. A score greater than 1.00 indicates that each article in the journal has above-average influence. A score less than 1.00 indicates that each article in the journal has below-average influence.