Quartile Comparison

Quartile Comparisons enable users to compare various quartile ranks from metrics for chosen journals within a given subject category. Users can see how each journal ranks within a given quartile, compared with other journals of their choosing, so long as each is categorized within the same subject. The ability to select multiple quartile metrics simultaneously allows for a comprehensive view of how each journal ranks within metrics for a given year. 

The following example surveys three journals categorized within Food Science & Technology and quartile rankings for each of the available metrics. 

Journal JIF Quartile JIF-JSC Quartile 5-Year IF Quartile Immediacy Index Quartile Eigenfactor Quartile Article Influence Score
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1
Food Biotechnology Q4 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 Q3
Food Chemistry Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1

The Quartile Comparisons in view above allow users to see the strengths of journals compared to others in the same subject category. Both Food Chemistry  and Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition have high quartile rankings across the chosen metrics, while Food Biotechnology is in the bottom half of quartile rankings for each metric.